The most believable GTA 6 leaks so far
Sony have confirmed that the PS5 is coming in holiday 2020, but there’s still no word from Rockstar on what will probably end up being the most eagerly anticipated game on the console: GTA 6. However, while we’ve been awaiting confirmation, GTA 6 news has been leaked by many sources, some more believable than others.
It’s been six years since GTA 5 came out in 2013, but the first leaked information about the sequel came in late 2018, and there have been more in 2019, all claiming to reveal exciting details about the game.
These leaks have ranged from details about the protagonists to the story, the map location, and more. Naturally, when any form of GTA 6 news materializes it grabs headlines and only adds to the hype.
Leaks though, are dubious by their nature. Unless they come from the most credible of sources, they are often dubbed fakes. A lot of them will be just that, with people trying to grab attention or being misinformed.
This is why when listing these leaks, we have to take into account the source and the content itself. Does the source come across as credible and is the content itself believable?
Even the three examples below contradict each other in ways, proving that they should be looked with scepticism. Nevertheless, here are the three most believable GTA 6 leaks so far.
‘The PS5 leaker’
Let’s start with the leak that appears to be the most realistic. It came in December 2018 and focused mostly on details surrounding the now confirmed PlayStation 5.
At the time there had been nothing confirmed about Sony’s next generation console. Fast forward more than 10 months later and everything the leaker said has, so far, come true.
The details they shared weren’t simple things such as the console’s name, its color, etc – they were detailed specs and features. The post from Pastebin, didn’t just focus on the PS5, though.
There were also details about potential game releases, too, one of those being Grand Theft Auto 6. The leak simply stated: “GTA 6 Holiday 2020 most probably, not hearing anything PS4 related (hearing that Sony is paying huge money to secure one month time exclusive for PS5).”
Given that we are approaching November 2019, a holiday 2020 release date for GTA 6 is becoming less and less likely. After all, GTA 4 was released more than a year after the first trailer emerged and Rockstar announced GTA 6 more than two years before it came out. So if past form is anything to go by, we might have to wait a little longer than the leaker suggests.
However, just because GTA games have always had a relatively long lead time after being announced, that doesn’t mean it will always be this way, and this leak will give fans at least some optimism that we could yet see Grand Theft Auto 6 being released alongside the PS5.
The post went on to reveal more rumors about where the game will be set: “Been hearing rumors about Miami and New York, so two big cities but I’m not sure if that’s 100% true.”
This is interesting for two reasons – firstly, the leaker admits that they aren’t 100% sure whether the locations are correct, which, if anything, suggests a degree of humility. That makes them stand out from from the traditional leaker who tends to say that they know something to be 100% true.
They also claim the game to be based on just two big cities, which, interestingly, corroborates with the final leak in this article. It does contradict our next leak though…
The cryptic Glassdoor review
This is one of the more unique ways to leak information and given its subtlety, it does come across as authentic. However, it does contradict the above leak, which based on the track record of the others is the most believable to date.
Glassdoor is a website that allows verified employees of a particular company to leave a review of their employment experience with them. In this case, an apparently disgruntled Rockstar employee left a rather scathing review of their time with the company.
Glossing over the employee’s apparent grievances, there is an acrostic message within the review that reveals some juicy information for GTA fans. It reads: “GTA 6 LS VC LC”.
This is undoubtedly intentional and has been interpreted as GTA 6, Los Santos, Vice City and Liberty City – meaning, according to this particular employee, that these three iconic Grand Theft Auto cities are set to feature in the next game.
We can only hope that this leak is true because the prospect of three of the biggest and arguably most iconic cities in one game would be incredible.
Another Reddit leak
The final leak is a fairly recent one, surfacing on September 28 on Reddit. It is a strange one as the author of it has no track record that makes them credible but they do provide a lot of GTA 6 information that is so detailed that it makes it sound true.
You can read all the full details from the latest GTA 6 leak here, but the main takeaways are as follows:
- Full capacity GTA 6 development started in the summer of 2018
- Vice City will be the main city
- Mechanics similar to GTA 5 but much improved
- Set in different eras meaning buildings will change over time
- Bigger map than GTA 5 (we’d hope so, too)
- Large focus on weather system
The leaker also stuck around on the Reddit post they made and responded to an array of questions, which is something leakers don’t usually do.
Fans are growing more desperate by the day for some form of official GTA 6 news, and when it finally comes, it will be interesting to see which of these leaks, if any, are true when the details are finally revealed.